Running the Bases with Small Businesses
Running the Bases with Small Businesses
KJK - Student & Athlete Defense - Title IX Attorneys
Running the Bases today with Susan Stone and Kristina Supler Co-Chairs of KJK’s Student & Athlete Defense/Title IX Practice Group - an Ohio-based law practice serving clients across the country. From representing individuals involved in misconduct and Title IX matters to advocating for students with special education needs and those with autism or mental health issues facing criminal charges, their nationally renowned practice has earned a reputation for success. Together, they have represented students and faculty at more than 90 colleges and universities across the country.
Susan and Kristina share their experiences and opinion on a number of Title IX issues and what students, parents, and institutions can do to navigate the current environment.
We explore the issues at hand today for students and what parents can do to help equip their students heading off to college. “We have conversations with parents all the time when their students are in trouble is college readiness. Parents have a hard time understanding that once you send your student to school, the college is not going to notify the parents. When things go wrong. They're adults.”
Susan and Kristina address the challenges of building a new law practice, operations, and management roles, plus how partners can avoid pitfalls leading toward disaster.
Listen to Real Talk Podcast with Susan and Kristina.
Learn about Title IX and Campus Misconduct
Learn more about KJK Student & Athlete Defense and Title IX Attorneys at https://studentdefense.kjk.com/
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